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  • 54 year relentless pursuer of truth, rejector of Christianity as presented. Came to recognize the one true living God as my Father. The love and message of Jesus was put in my heart in my youth but churches had zero appeal. I began my recent scriptural journey not in the New Testament but in Genesis. I drew great strength from the Old Testament and came to know God. I immediately recognized glaring contradictions to the “character?” of Adonai and Yeshua. I learned about Judaism, started learning how to tead Hebrew etc. but I could never reject the message of Yeshua or subordinate myself to that doctrine. I knew Constantine was a fraud and I began to doubt Paul. I believe I have been in a one year period of repentance but now I am being restored. I have still wanted to pray, fast and study…but not my bible. Now. it feels safe again. I will study the Law and the 4 gospels alone for joy and strength again.

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